The art of Input Validation
One of the most critical foundations of an app's data integrity and consistency is covered in this post: Data input validation. As you've...
Filling up some MD forms
Some words on input controls and form layout. Material Design has three flavors of input styles: On all of them you can put a hint, and...
Big Gotcha in navigation rail SelectionChanged event
The event that triggers when you change a tab is called 'SelectionChanged'. It is attached to the TabControl UI control. Give a name to...
Dot-Sourcing reusable PS code
On all of my previous posts, I showed you that the files had common code on their top parts. I said we don't touch those parts usually...
Know your elements
How to view the content of a UI element When designing an app, we have to know exactly how every UI element should look like, and respond...
Navigation Rail gets an upgrade
How to add both "Hamburger" and "Popup" menus to the Navigation Rail.
Navigation Bar in less than 2 minutes
MDIX (Material Design In Xaml) contains a VERY simple yet beautiful looking navigation bar. MD calls it a "Navigation Rail Tab Control"....
Data Grid
Learn how to implement Material Design DataGrid on a PowerShell WPF GUI App.
C'mon have a snack bar
Use a Snackbar for displaying information to the user
Opening and Saving Files
Learn how to use Open and Save MS windows newest dialogs
First Window to the (hello) world
First WPF PowerShell Material Design App explained
Creating a project skeleton
Unlike C# projects that can live on one VS solution and be "Packed for shipment", In PowerShell we have nothing to compile. It's a...
How Google's Material Design ended up on PowerShell?
The (in)complete story behind adopting Material Design Style on PowerShell.